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I am Axelle and for more than 15 years I have been working in the catering industry. I am now assistant manager in this restaurant.

My duties include the administration of the stock, the negotiation with the salesmen and of course the welcoming of the clients. It means as well making sure the meals are good enough for the clients.

The work is very challenging and includes to deal with stressful situation. We need to organize ourselves to respond to the clients demands. Sometimes we must prepare parties for the clients, and I find it very challenging. What I really like in the job is that our first objective is to provide quality products and to make our clients happy. The most motivated part of the job is that clients can give good tips, so it worths being proactive and attentive to them.

I have left school be the University. A that time, I was not very motivated, now I have 2 kids and I have realized training is important to succeed in life. I have made training in accounting and administration of restaurant. One of my dreams is to own my restaurant one Day. Soft skills are very important, smiling, being attentive and dedicated to the costumers is the most important part. Technique is something I have learnt from my own experience. My colleagues help me as well a lot, we are a team, and this is together that we are successful.
As I was not bad at school, I am able to learn quickly. Next steps could be to train myself to learn how to administrate a restaurant. I am motivated for this; I wish I had more time to do so.

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