Sustainable fashion designer and Architect

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I am Barbara Annunziata, architect and fashion designer. After graduating in architecture, and a master’s degree in landscape design, I made investee installations in Italy, with the aim of redeveloping abandoned spaces of interstitial areas in consolidated urban contexts. Research and experimentation led me to launch a fashion brand in 2009, obtaining a patent for an industrial invention.
Over the years I have acquired a professionalism transversal to the themes of architecture, design up to fashion, facing problems related to the world of entrepreneurship and product production,
By dealing with the planning and communication of events in performative artistic contexts, I strongly increased the skills and knowledge of product marketing. Since 2017 I have matured the idea and the need to transfer the skills acquired to the Fashion criticism sector. I collaborate with ethical fashion brands and social realities.
Working on the Empowerment and the formation of disadvantaged subjects, in particular Nigerian migrant women, since 2018 I am the head of the social tailoring Action Women of Castel Volturno, assuming the role of creative director.
Since 2022 I have been a teacher of Fashion Design at Ai_academia Italiana fashion, design and photography in the teachings of sustainable fashion design and management, fashion setting and textile design.
My teaching method is based on learning by doing as I firmly believe that solid theoretical and cultural notions must be supported by important practical and direct experiences.
I would like to enrich my craft skills, experiencing myself in making techniques in the fashion field and interior design (wood, embroidery, block printing, etc.), including innovative techniques that make use of digital technologies.
I currently have a transversal vision in the field of creativity in a broad sense, thanks to the countless experiences faced in various sectors.
I certainly represent a resource in the field of sustainable fashion, with entrepreneurial skills and management skills in the innovative startup field.
I have proven skills on the ideation and management of transdisciplinary projects related to the world of art, design and performative arts.
I think it is important to stay updated and connected on several fronts to always be ready for change and professional innovation.
After many years of difficulty encountered and ‘standing’ to find my ideal work, I can say that I am satisfied with the path taken.

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