I am Polina and for more than 15 years my work has been related to the implementation of measures from the common agricultural policy of the European Union. My duties include the review of projects and the payment of subsidies in the field of beekeeping, as well as the implementation of regimes regulating the markets for meat, milk and cereals.
The work is very responsible, intensive, stressful and constantly subject to audits. Specific to this position is the need for in-depth knowledge of national and European legislation in the relevant field. It works in a team. The salary is regulated in accordance with the rules in the state administration. The position provides security, predictability, opportunities for training and development.
I have a master’s degree in Forecasting and Planning of Macroeconomic Systems from the University of National and World Economy, as well as accumulated experience in the field of agricultural statistics. The main skills that are needed by anyone who would engage in this activity are responsibility, time management, analytical, precision, teamwork, working under stress, knowledge transfer skills, computer and communication skills.